Minnekhada Park Association

We acknowledge that Minnekhada Park Association operates within the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of Kwikwetlem and Katzie First Nations. We thank the Kwikwetlem and Katzie who continue to live on these lands and care for them, along with the waters and all that is above and below.


Please join us if you: love the outdoors and nature, would like to be involved in the Farm Exploratory Team, are keen to see studied improvements made to the Park Farm and Lodge or you simply want to be involved with a group of park users who really care about our local treasure here in Coquitlam.

Click here for the Minnekhada Park Map PDF


Recent News and Updates


  • Humans of Minnekhada Regional Park

  • Minnekhada – Through the Eyes of a Child

  • The Importance of Citizen Science

  • Western Painted Turtles

More News and Updates



Minnekhada Farm Exploratory Team

Recently, the Minnekhada Park Association has formed the Minnekhada Farm Exploratory Team (MFET) for the purposes of recommending potential public uses for the farm and is working with Metro Vancouver Regional Parks and other organizations.

We’d love you to hear from you about what you think are the most suitable uses for the farm property. Your feedback will make an impact in the decisions that are made going forward. More details are on the Farm page. 

Please fill in our short 2 minute survey 
Click here to take the survey

One Comment

  1. Saw a bunch of turtles on a log out in the middle of the marsh a few weeks ago. Can’t find the email address to send the picture to ….sorry. I hope this is ok?

    On another note. I really hope that with the incredible increased amount of people, ever since Covid and all the new construction occurring locally bringing in high density populations attending to the park, the park will close during the time of the toadlets (sp?) migration in the park. Give the wildlife a break. I saw so many squished on the pathway. It was really sad. Also, the incredible increase of people and people with their dogs off leash is insane. People have no idea about the damage that their dogs are doing along the trials to the fauna and to the bird nesting populations. I am also really tired of people leaving their dog shit and dog poo bags along the trail as if there is a poo bag ferry that collects them.

    I hope a way can be found to limit the amount of people attending the marsh….. it is getting increasingly over-populated in this park and please find a way to manage all the off leash dogs in the park. – perhaps eliminate the parking on the road close to the park? If this park is to be saved and kept as beautiful and diverse as it is ….human interaction and population should be limited.



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